Friday, June 29, 2007

Library Thing

I think Library Thing is pretty cool. I liked cataloguing some of my books. I like the way you can preview them based on the book covers.
This project (23 Things) has really opened my eyes to the wealth of information available at a person's finger tips. It can be overwhelming and exciting at the same time.

Whee ... more fun

Yahoo! Avatars U.K. & Ireland">Yahoo! Avatars U.K. & Ireland" border="0" alt="" />

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Look at Me!!!! Here's my #10

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Number 9

I've had experience with RSS feeds through a training conducted at Miller a few months ago, but I wanted to refresh my memory with things 8 and 9.

I liked feed locators Feedster and for their user-friendliness. I jumped on Syndic8 for about two seconds, was intimidated and moved on. Technorati was interesting, although I can't say I'm really fascinated by reading people's blogs, unless I'm really fascinated with the subject matter. Although I do think blogging is a great platform for people to exchange ideas and learn from one another... perhaps build an web community of sorts.

Merlin is very comprehensive. Listened to the LibVibe podcast and completed a survey. Sometimes the wealth of information that is available is a tad overwhelming. I'm no novice of technology, but I do feel a bit like a fish out of water at times.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Thing #7 ... You Tube

People's fascination with You Tube is like that of a car crash... You don't want to look but somehow you do anyway. On the eve of Paris Hilton's release from prison, I typed in her name and stumbled across this funny video:

Although You Tube is very much quantity over quality, I do think it gives everyone a chance to have their so-called 15 minutes of fame in as little as 15 seconds. I stress quantity over quality because there is a lot of cute yet mediocre footage (e.g., Type in "Swimming Dachshund" and you'll know what I mean). But is an entertaining distraction.


Had fun making a Joaquin Phoenix mosaic... Matchups are cool.

JP - Thing #5

Here's my pic from Flickr... love it.


Flickr Pic

Here is one of my fave pix of Joaquin Phoenix, who I have a mad crush on:

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Blogger Newbie

This is my first time blogging, so I'm not really sure what to expect or what happens now.

So, what happens now?